Monday, November 23, 2009

Good job Catholics

Patrick Kennedy's name didn't get him out of this pickle. The Catholic Bishop in Providence instructed the Congressman, and son of Ted Kennedy, to not take communion because of his personal stance on abortion. Now the democrats are screaming unfair because Kennedy was denied the blessing of communion. Numbers of news sources have posted negative articles about the Catholic church and it's meddling in U.S. politics but lest look at some facts.
1. The Catholic church is a formal religion in every manner that the word 'formal' can imply.
2. Kennedy's view does in fact contradict against the teachings of the church.
With these points in mind the only conclusion I can logically side with is the Catholics. Kennedy, you went against the rules and no, your name can't get you out of it. Perhaps the Bishop did do this out of spite but that does not negate the fact that he is in the right and Kennedy you are not.
I am happy that a religion, any religion, is standing up for what they believe in. To many of our politicians profess their undying loyalty to a religious group during elections year and then show up in the news being arrested in a airport bathroom. Let this be a wake up call for politicians that claim to be something that they are not and never have been. I realize my vain hope of trustworthy and honest political elite is never going to happen. The idea is even laughable that such a person could survive in American politics. Call me a cynic (because I am) but more events need to transpire in a country that was founded by Christians.

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