Monday, November 23, 2009

Stop doing what made us rich! Please?

The Obama administration is attempting to get many countries to get on board a worldwide agreement that would enact different laws aimed at stopping global warming. Obama met with China last week to propose what his administration feels are important laws to pass such as “cap and trade” laws on emissions. This effort to propose a form of universal “eco-friendly” laws has failed before and will most likely fail again for the same reasons. These proposed laws are battled here in the United States and these augments carry over globally, augments such as, critics of a “man made” global warming say the studies are inadequate and truly do not prove there is a correlation between humans and global warming, this may be the mentality many countries share. It is also important to look at the cost/benefit aspect of the new laws. Countries such as India and China are countries that produce large amounts of pollution but may be seeing huge economic benefits from their pollution, their economies are growing rapidly because of their new industries much like the United States did years ago, so now for us to ask them to stop this growth and to do something that most likely will impact their economies negatively is not going to pass easily. I understand countries not wanting to put laws on their developing business because of their lack of superior technology to compensate for it or even the fact that these laws will send many third world countries that rely on not having pollution laws to keep the businesses they otherwise would not have to an even deeper third world. Does the Obama administration analyze the cost/benefit impact that these global laws will have on not only us but the other countries around the world… because the countries they are proposing them to most likely are.

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